Cefoperazone + Sulbactum / Cefoperazone+ Sulbactum
The antibacterial component of sulbactam/cefoperazone is cefoperazone, a third-generation cephalosporin, which acts against sensitive organisms during the stage of active multiplication by inhibiting the biosynthesis of cell wall mucopeptide. Sulbactam does not possess any useful antibacterial activity, except against Neisseriaceae and Acinetobacter. However, biochemical studies with cell-free bacterial synthesis have shown it to be an irreversible inhibitor of most important beta-lactamases produced by beta-lactam antibiotic-resistant organisms.
The potential for sulbactam preventing the destruction of penicillins and cephalosporins by resistant organisms was confirmed in whole-organism studies using resistant strains in which sulbactam exhibited marked synergy with penicillins and cephalosporins. As sulbactam also binds with some penicillin binding proteins, sensitive strains are also often rendered more susceptible to sulbactam/cefoperazone than to cefoperazone alone.
The combination of cefoperazone and sulbactam is active against all organisms sensitive to cefoperazone. In addition, it demonstrates synergistic activity (up to 4-fold reduction in the minimum inhibitory concentrations for the combination versus those for each component) in a variety of organisms.
Cefoperazone 1gm + Sulbactum 0.5gm injection/ Cefoperazone 2gm + Sulbactum 1 gm injection
Cefoperazone, a bactericidal antibiotic, inhibits bacterial cell wall synthesis of actively dividing cells by binding to one or more penicillin binding proteins (PBPs). Sulbactam is a β-lactamase inhibitor and acts primarily by irreversible inactivation of β-lactamases.
- Pseudomonal lung infection
- Bone & Joint infection
- Prophylaxis of surgical infection
- Skin and Skin Structure Infections
- Urinary Tract Infection
- Meningitis
- Febrile Neutropenia
- cIAI
Adult : 1-2 g 8 hourly as deep IM injection, slow IV injection over 3-5 min or IV infusion for up to 30 min.
Child : <40 kg: 100-150 mg/kg daily in 3 divided doses. Max: 6g daily
Elderly: >80 yr Max: 3 g daily
This information is for registered medical practitioner only. Anyone other than medical practitioner should consult medical practitioner before using this product.
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